Capture Enabled Workflow Automation

Remove Pain from your Work

Capture Enabled Workflow
Capture Enabled Workflow

Why do I need Capture & Workflow?

The Problem
Capture Enabled Workflow Capture Enabled Workflow

Documents (Invoices, POs, Receipts, Identification, etc) can arrive into the business via traditional post, emails or other systems. The majority of documents landing in a business is still printed on paper or land electronically via PDF or image.

When tackling piles of paper, we rely on our eyes and typing skills to get this information into our respective systems. Boredom sets in and focus / quality starts to degrade.

When approvals are required, chasing down people, especially management, is a real sore point within most organisations. It can take hours, days and sometime weeks to get that sign-off we need to progress our objectives.

How much is this costing you, your company?

Why Automate Data Capture?

Capture Enabled Workflow
Capture Enabled Workflow

1st, Improve Efficiency

  • Do more without having to increase resources
  • Manage exceptions only - no need to sight all documents and manually type everything into relevant systems
  • Deliver the right information to the right systems, the right people at the right time.
  • Execute all processes in a consistent manner
  • Automation performs 24*7 with no sick leave or holidays
  • Save costs where data processing errors result in unnecessary activity (eg incorrect orders being delivered)

2nd, we want to improve visibility to both customers & employees. We want to understand the Who, the What, the When and the How of their processes.

3rd, is to reduce costs by faster process execution times through business rules, automation, and escalations to name a few.

Last is to re-focus on your core business and customer service. Why have valuable resources focused on repetitive, mundane tasks where instead they can re-purpose their attention on driving business revenue and improved customer service.

Capture Enabled Workflow
Capture Enabled Workflow
jeylabs Captured Enabled Workflow

Our Solution ROI

Our solution achieves the following
Capture Enabled Workflow
jeylabs Captured Enabled Workflow

  • Reduces document (Invoices, POs, Receipts, Identification, etc) processing time by over 80%
  • Reduces approval time by over 80%
  • Reduces human error due to automation and significant time saving on report generation
  • Reduces the cost of processing an invoice by 75%
  • Repurpose staff to focus on the core business and Customer Experience

How Does it Work?

Capture Enabled Workflow

Process documents into business-ready data through complex OCR automated workflow with verified data

jeylabs Dashboard and Workflow
  • Multi-user access configurations
  • Optimised dashboard view of all invoices in their various statuses
  • Active task lists for individual users
  • Simplified data views against captured documents
  • One click approval request generation
  • Automated approval reminders and escalations

  • Custom Reports

Customer, Cost Centre, Invoice and PO data driven to and from ERP

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